IWLS 2005 Lake Arrowhead Resort
Fourteenth International Workshop on Logic and Synthesis
Lake Arrowhead Resort
Lake Arrowhead, California, USA
(2-3 hours from Los Angeles)
June 8-10, 2005
Colocated with DAC 2005 DAC

The International Workshop on Logic and Synthesis provides an international forum to promote research and exchange ideas about all aspects of integrated circuit and system synthesis, optimization, and verification. The workshop encourages early dissemination of ideas and results. Accepted papers are distributed only to IWLS participants.

Topics of interest include architectures and compilation, synthesis and optimization, power and timing analysis, design validation and verification, and design experiences, all applied at system description levels ranging from transistor-level to hardware-software interfaces. Implementation might be in synchronous or asynchronous CMOS, or any emerging technology. Submissions on modeling, analysis and tools targeting emerging technologies and platforms are particularly encouraged.

Authors may submit complete papers for their proposed presentation. These must be no longer than 8 pages, double column, and in a 10-point font. We also encourage submissions of extended abstracts in the early stages of research that highlight important new problems, perhaps without providing complete solutions. Only electronic submissions will be accepted: submission will be accepted at this website. For questions, contact IWLS_pcchair at sigda.org. For travel grants, apply to ACM/SIGDA travel grant program.

orkshop Registration Fees

HTML version text version

Invited Session: Designing Secure Embedded System: Challenges & Opportunities for EDA 

Challenges for the Logic Design of Secure Embedded Systems
Dr. Patrick  Schaumont, University of California, Los Angeles
(Abstract&Bio, PDF Presentation)

Secure Embedded System Design: A Tale of Three Gaps
Dr. Anand Raghunathan, NEC Labs America (Abstract&Bio, PDF Presentation)

Workshop Registration Fees

On or Before May 12 After May 12/On-site
IEEE/ACM Member $400 $500
Non-Member $600 $725
IEEE/ACM Student Member $300 $375
Student Non-Member $375 $470

To register, print out this registration form and fax it to Vladimir Stojanovic at +1 401 863 9039

Lodging information

The workshop will be held at the Lake Arrowhead Resort. The room rate is $99, 109, or 129/night for Alpine, Partial Lake View, and Full Lake View rooms respectively. Call the hotel at +1 800 800 6792 or +1 909 336 1511 for reservations and be sure to mention "ACM" as the name of our group. Place your reservation before May 12th to obtain this discounted rate. The fax number for the hotel is +1 909 744 3040.

Online Paper Submission

Register yourself with the EDAS system and submit your paper on it.

(Do NOT use the EDAS system for workshop  registration.)


(Extended) Submission deadline for papers and problems: March 14, 2005 (Midnight EST)

Notification of acceptance: April 14, 2005

Final version due: April 28, 2005

Printable Call for Papers



New and old Benchmarks synthesized and mapped in Verilog and OpenAccess.


Program Chair
R. Iris Bahar
Brown University
General Chair
Stephen A. Edwards
Columbia University
Panel Chair
Mukul Prasad
Fujitsu Labs of America
Special Activities
Alan Mishchenko
Robert Brayton
University of California, Berkeley
University of California, Berkeley
Publicity Chair
Victor Kravets
IBM TJ Watson
A/V Chair
Marc Riedel
California Institute of Technology
Benchmarks Committee
Christian Stangier
Igor Markov
Christoph Albrecht
Fujitsu Labs of America
University of Michigan
Cadence Berkeley Labs

Links to past workshops

IWLS 2004 June 2-4, 2004, Temecula Creek, California

IWLS 2003 May 28-30, 2003, Laguna Beach, California

IWLS 2002 June 4-7, 2002, New Orleans, Louisiana

IWLS 2001 June 12-15, 2001, Tahoe City, California

IWLS 2000 May 31-June 2, 2000, Dana Point, California

IWLS 1999 June 27-30, 1999, Tahoe City, California

IWLS 1998 June 7-10, 1998, Tahoe City, California

Corporate Sponsorship

Altera Logo  Fujitsu Logo       Intel Logo Synopsys Logo

Student registration supported in part by Altera, Fujitsu, Intel, and Synopsys.

Mailing List

To subscribe to the IWLS mailing list please use provided link.
The list is hidden, and only its administrator can post to it.


Photo of Lake Arrowhead Resort is courtesy of their Press Room.