
Co-located with the
Design Automation Conference
25th International Workshop
on Logic & Synthesis
June 10 – 11, 2016
Thompson Conference Center — Austin, TX
Our sponsors
8:00am - 8:30am: Welcome Breakfast
8:30am - 8:45am: Workshop Opening
Rolf Drechsler and Andre Reis
8:45am - 9:00am: EPFL benchmark update at IWLS 2016
Mathias Soeken, Luca Amaru, Pierre-Emmanuel Gaillardon and Giovanni De Micheli (EPFL, Switzerland)
9:00am - 10:30am: Special Session on Emerging Technologies
Session Chair: Robert Wille
Biochemistry Synthesis on Digital Microfluidic Biochips
Krishnendu Chakrabarty (Duke University, USA)
Photonic Design Automation: Old Wine in New Bottle?
Priyank Kalla (University of Utah, USA)
Reversible Circuits: Application and Design Challenges
Rolf Drechsler (University of Bremen/DFKI GmbH, Germany)
11:00am - 12:30am: Session 1 - SAT-Based Approaches
Session Chair: Weikang Qian
Fast Generation of Lexicographic Satisfiable Assignments: Enabling Canonicity in SAT-based Applications
Ana Petkovska (EPFL, Switzerland), Alan Mishchenko (UC Berkeley, USA), Mathias Soeken and Giovanni De Micheli (EPFL, Switzerland), Robert Brayton (UC Berkeley, USA) and Paolo Ienne (EPFL, Switzerland)
Progressive Generation of Canonical Sums of Products Using a SAT Solver
Ana Petkovska (EPFL, Switzerland), Alan Mishchenko (UC Berkeley, USA), David Novo (LIRM Montpellier, France), Muhsen Owaida (ETH Zurich, Switzerland) and Paolo Ienne (EPFL, Switzerland)
SAT-based Functional Dependency Computation
Mathias Soeken (EPFL, Switzerland), Pascal Raiola (University of Freiburg, Germany), Baruch Sterin (UC Berkeley, USA) and Matthias Sauer (University of Freiburg, Germany)
1:45pm - 3:15pm: Session 2 - Word-Level Abstraction and Sequential Optimization
Session Chair: Mathias Soeken
Identifying Transparent Logic in Gate-Level Circuits
Yu-Yun Dai and Robert Brayton (UC Berkeley, USA)
Uninterpreted Function Abstraction and Refinement for Word-level Model Checking
Yen-Sheng Ho, Alan Mishchenko and Robert Brayton (UC Berkeley, USA)
Analysis of Incomplete Circuits using Dependency Quantified Boolean Formulas
Ralf Wimmer, Karina Wimmer, Christoph Scholl and Bernd Becker (University of Freiburg, Germany)
3:30pm - 4:30pm: Poster Session
Session Chair: Andre Reis
Physical Design Factors that contribute to Routing Congestion in Monolithic 3D Integrated Circuits
Yosef Borga and Daniel Limbrick (NC A&T State University, USA) and Sung Kyu Lim (Georgia Institute of Technology, USA)
A Fast Analytic Approach to the Collapsing and Verification of Threshold Logic Circuits
Nian-Ze Lee and Jie-Hong Roland Jiang (National Taiwan University, Taiwan)
Criticality and Sensitivity Analysis for Incremental Performance Optimization of Asynchronous Pipelines
Chun-Hong Shih and Jie-Hong Roland Jiang (National Taiwan University, Taiwan)
SystemCDG - AI Based Coverage Driven Stimuli Generation for SystemC
Jannis Stoppe, Arved Friedemann and Rolf Drechsler (University of Bremen, Germany)
Graphene Logic Synthesis using a Constructive Approach
Mayler Martins (Carnegie Mellon University, USA)
Patent Interpretation using Boolean Logic and Venn Diagrams
Simone Reis (UAB, Spain), Andre Reis (UFRGS, Brazil), Jordi Carrabina and Pompeu Casanovas (UAB, Spain)
4:30pm - 5:30pm: Session 3 - Asynchronous Circuits
Session Chair: Alan Mishchenko
Hybrid Synchronous-Asynchronous Tool Flow for Emerging VLSI Design
Filipp Akopyan, Carlos Tadeo Ortega Otero and Rajit Manohar (Cornell University, USA)
Fluid Pipelines: Elastic Circuitry without Throughput Penalty
Rafael Trapani Possignolo, Elnaz Ebrahimi, Haven Skinner and Jose Renau (UC Santa Cruz, USA)
5:30pm - 6:30pm: Keynote 1
Session Chair: Rolf Drechsler
Amorphous Data-parallelism
Keshav Pingali, UT Austin
8:00am - 8:30am: Welcome Breakfast
8:30am - 10:00am: Session 4 - Technology Mapping
Session Chair: Victor Kravets
LUT Mapping and Optimization for Majority-Inverter Graphs
Winston Haaswijk and Mathias Soeken (EPFL, Switzerland), Luca AmarĂº (Synopsys Inc., USA), Pierre-Emmanuel Gaillardon and Giovanni De Micheli (EPFL, Switzerland)
Inversion Minimization in Majority-Inverter Graphs
Eleonora Testa and Mathias Soeken (EPFL, Switzerland), Luca AmarĂº (Synopsys Inc., USA), Pierre-Emmanuel Gaillardon and Giovanni De Micheli (EPFL, Switzerland)
Versatile SAT-based Remapping for Standard Cells
Alan Mishchenko and Robert Brayton (UC Berkeley, USA), Thierry Besson, Sriram Govindarajan, Harm Arts and Paul van Besouw (Mentor Graphics, USA)
10:30am - 11:30am: Session 5 - Map Reduce / Circuit Testing
Session Chair: Dirk Stroobandt
Boosting the Performance of MapReduce Applications via Distributed Accelerators on a Chip-Multiprocessor
Abraham Addisie and Rawan Abdel-Khalek (University of Michigan, USA), Ritesh Parikh (Intel, USA) and Valeria Bertacco (University of Michigan, USA)
Approximate Identification of Sink Strongly-Connected Components for the Generation of Close-to-Functional Broadside Tests
Irith Pomeranz (Purdue University, USA)
11:30am - 12:30am: Keynote 2
Session Chair: Jie-Hong Roland Jiang
Design Automation Challenges in Neuromorphic Systems
Rajit Manohar, Cornell University
1:30pm - 3:00pm: Session 6 - Stochastic and Statistical Methods
Session Chair: Mihir Choudhury
A Branch-and-Bound-Based Minterm Assignment Algorithm for Synthesizing Stochastic Circuit
Xuesong Peng and Weikang Qian (Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China)
A Deterministic Approach to Stochastic Computation
Devon Jenson and Marc Riedel (University of Minnesota, USA)
Decomposition of Index Generation Functions Using a Monte Carlo Method
Tsutomu Sasao (Meiji University, Japan) and Jon Butler (Naval Postgraduate School, USA)
3:00pm - 3:15pm: Closing Remarks
Rolf Drechsler
3:15pm - 3:45pm: Goodbye Break and Planning of IWLS 2017