34th International Workshop
on Logic & Synthesis

June 12–13, 2025

University of Verona, Verona, Italy


The International Workshop on Logic and Synthesis is the premier forum for research in synthesis, optimization, and verification of integrated circuits and systems. Research on logic synthesis for emerging technologies and for novel computing platforms, such as nanoscale systems and biological systems, is also strongly encouraged. The workshop encourages the early dissemination of ideas and results. The workshop accepts complete papers highlighting important new problems in the early stages of development, without providing complete solutions. The emphasis is on novelty and intellectual rigor.

Topics of interest include but are not limited to: hardware synthesis and optimization; software synthesis; hardware/software co-synthesis; power and timing analysis; testing, validation, and verification; synthesis for reconfigurable architectures; hardware compilation for domain-specific languages; and design experiences. Submissions on modeling, analysis, and synthesis for emerging technologies and platforms are particularly encouraged.

The workshop format includes paper presentations, invited talks, social lunch and dinner gatherings, and recreational activities.

Check out our call for papers.

Important Dates

Paper abstract submission: March 21, 2025 (AoE)
Full paper submission: March 28, 2025 (AoE)
Notification of acceptance: May 3, 2025
Final version due: May 30, 2025

Submission Instructions

Only complete papers with original and previously unpublished material are permitted. Submissions must be no longer than 8 pages (reference excluded), double column, 10-point font (we recommend using the ACM template or the IEEE template, but not necessarily). Accepted papers are distributed only to IWLS participants.

Double-blind policy: IWLS uses a double-blind reviewing system. Manuscripts must not identify authors or their affiliations; those that do will not be considered.

If you have questions about how to meet these guidelines, please contact the program chairs before the submission deadline.

EasyChair IWLS 2025 submission page

IWLS Programming Contest

The competition this year is a continuation of the IWLS competitions held in the last three years. The decision to continue the competition is based on the observation that the quality of the results has not saturated. Indeed, the competition started in 2022, and the results produced by the participants in 2023 were on average 15% better that those in 2022. Similarly, the results in 2024 were on average 8% better than those in 2023. It will be interesting to see how much progress will be achieved this year.

For details, please check out the call for submission for the programming contest below.

IWLS 2025 Programming Contest Call for Submissions

Benchmarks. The competition has two sets of benchmarks: the first set of benchmarks is identical to that used in 2022; the second set of benchmarks is composed of unmodified and unobfuscated practical circuits, many of which currently pose problems for hardware designers and EDA tool flows.

IWLS 2022 Programming Contest Benchmarks

IWLS 2025 Programming Contest Benchmarks

Travel Information

The location of the workshop venue and nearby hotels will be available soon.

Organizing Committee

General Chair Valentina Ciriani University of Milan
Program Committee Chairs Walter Lau Neto / Weikang Qian Synopsys / Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Program Contest Chairs Alan Mishchenko / Alessandro Tempia Calvino UC Berkeley / EPFL
Special Session Chair Tiziano Villa University of Verona
Finance Chair Lana Josipović ETH Zurich
Proceedings Chair Anna Bernasconi University of Pisa
Publicity Chairs Petr FiŔer / Jiahui Xu CTU / ETH Zurich
Local Arrangements Chair TBD

Technical Program Committee

Luca AmarĆ¹   Synopsys, USA
Anna Bernasconi   University of Pisa, Italy
Lei Chen   Huawei Noahā€™s Ark Lab, Hong Kong SAR
Zhufei Chu   Ningbo University, China
Valentina Ciriani   University of Milan, Italy
Fabrizio Ferrandi   Politecnico di Milano, Italy
Petr FiÅ”er   Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic
Aman Gayasen   AMD, USA
Winston Haaswijk   Cadence Design Systems, USA
Jie-Hong Roland Jiang   National Taiwan University, Taiwan
Attila Jurecska   Siemens EDA, USA
Victor Kravets   IBM, USA
Walter Lau Neto   Synopsys, USA
Chang Meng   EPFL, Switzerland
Giulia Meuli   Synopsys, USA
Chin-ichi Minato   Kyoto University, Japan
Alan Mishchenko   University of California, Berkeley, USA
Augusto Neutzling   Real Intent, USA
Stefan Nikolić   University of Novi Sad, Serbia
Weikang Qian   Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China
Stefano Quer   Politecnico di Torino, Italy
Andre Reis   UFRGS, Brazil
Tsutomu Sasao   Meiji University, Japan
Herman Schmit   Google, USA
Eleonora Testa   Synopsys, USA
Gabriella Trucco   University of Milan, Italy
Tiziano Villa   University of Verona, Italy
Robert Wille   TU Munich & SCCH GmbH, Germany
Cunxi Yu   University of Maryland, College Park, USA
Mingfei Yu   EPFL, Switzerland


The IWLS community maintains a set of logic synthesis benchmarks (IWLS'05 and EPFL), available in various formats.

Mailing List

Subscribe to the IWLS mailing list. (The list is hidden and only its administrator can post to it.)

Links to Past Workshops

IWLS 2024: June 6 - June 7, 2024, Zurich, Switzerland

IWLS 2023: June 5 - June 5, 2023, Lausanne, Switzerland

IWLS 2022: July 18 - July 22, 2022, Virtual

IWLS 2021: July 19 - July 22, 2021, Virtual

IWLS 2020: July 27 - July 30, 2020, Virtual

IWLS 2019: June 21 - June 23, 2019, Lausanne, Switzerland

IWLS 2018: June 23 - June 24, 2018, San Francisco, California

IWLS 2017: June 17 - June 18, 2017, Austin, Texas

IWLS 2016: June 10 - June 11, 2016, Austin, Texas

IWLS 2015: June 12 - June 13, 2015, Mountain View, California

IWLS 2014: May 30 - June 1, 2014, San Francisco, California

IWLS 2013: June 7 - June 8, 2013, Austin, Texas

IWLS 2012: June 1 - June 3, 2012, Berkeley, California

IWLS 2011: June 3 - June 5, 2011, San Diego, California

IWLS 2010: June 18 - June 20, 2010, Irvine, California

IWLS 2009: July 31 - August 2, 2009, Berkeley, California

IWLS 2008: June 4 - 6, 2008, Lake Tahoe, California

IWLS 2007: May 30 - June 1, 2007, San Diego, California

IWLS 2006: June 7 - 9, 2006, Vail, Colorado

IWLS 2005: June 8 - 10, 2005, Lake Arrowhead, California

IWLS 2004: June 2 - 4, 2004, Temecula Creek, California

IWLS 2003: May 28 - 30, 2003, Laguna Beach, California

IWLS 2002: June 4 - 7, 2002, New Orleans, Louisiana

IWLS 2001: June 12 - 15, 2001, Lake Tahoe, California

IWLS 2000: May 31 - June 2, 2000, Dana Point, California

Related Conferences

ICCAD: International Conference on Computer-Aided Design

DATE: Design, Automation and Test in Europe

ASPDAC: Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference

DAC: Design Automation Conference

ISPD: International Symposium on Physical Design

ISLPED: International Symposium on Low Power Electronics and Design

IWBDA: International Symposium on Bio-Design Automation