
Co-located with the
Design Automation Conference
23rd International Workshop
on Logic & Synthesis
May 30 – June 1, 2014
Galleria Park Hotel — San Francisco, CA
Our sponsors
The International Workshop on Logic and Synthesis is the premier
forum for research in synthesis, optimization, and verification of
integrated circuits and systems. Research on logic synthesis for
emerging technologies and for novel computing platforms, such as
nanoscale systems and biological systems, is also strongly encouraged.
The workshop encourages early dissemination of ideas and results. The
workshop accepts complete papers highlighting important new problems
in the early stages of development, without providing complete
solutions. The emphasis is on novelty and intellectual rigor.
Call for Papers in PDF
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to: hardware
synthesis and optimization; software synthesis; hardware/software
co-synthesis; power and timing analysis; testing, validation and
verification; synthesis for reconfigurable architectures; hardware
compilation for domain-specific languages; design
experiences. Submissions on modeling, analysis and synthesis for
emerging technologies and platforms are particularly encouraged.
The workshop format includes paper presentations, posters, invited
talks, social lunch and dinner gatherings, and recreational
activities. Accepted papers are distributed exclusively to IWLS
The technical program consists of 19
regular talks, 2 keynotes and 1 special session. A social event is
currently planned for Saturday May 31 evening.
SAT Modulo Monotonic Theories
Alan J. Hu,
University of British Columbia
I will present the concept of a
"monotonic theory" and show how to build efficient SMT
(SAT Modulo Theory) solvers, including efficient theory
propagation and clause learning, for such theories.
Examples of monotonic theories include graph properties
such as reachability, shortest path, connected components,
minimum spanning tree, and max-flow/min-cut, and we
demonstrate our framework by building SMT solvers for each
of these theories. We apply these solvers to procedural
content generation problems, demonstrating major speed-ups
over state-of-the-art approaches based on SAT or Answer
Set Programming, and easily solving several instances that
were previously impractical to solve. I believe this
approach also holds promise for physical-design-aware
synthesis (although we don't have experimental results for
that yet). [This is joint work with Sam Bayless, Noah
Bayless, and Holger Hoos.]
Alan J. Hu received his B.S. (Honors,
with Academic Distinction) and PhD degrees from Stanford
University. He is a Professor and former Associate Head
in the Computer Science Department at the University of
British Columbia. For over 20 years, his main research
focus has been automated, practical techniques for
formal verification. He has served on the program
committees of all major CAD and formal verification
conferences, and chaired or co-chaired CAV (1998), HLDVT
(2003), FMCAD (2004), HVC (2008), and ICCAD (2011). He
was also a Technical Working Group Key Contributor on
the 2001 International Technology Roadmap for
Semiconductors, and is a member of the Technical
Advisory Board of Jasper Design Automation.
Visual Cortex on Silicon
Vijaykrishnan Narayanan,
Penn State
There has been a rapid growth in use of
cameras for a wide variety of applications. However, these
cameras lack any significant cognitive abilities and are
still predominantly used as recording devices. Recent
advances in our understanding of the human visual cortex
as well as the emergence of new implementation
technologies provides a unique opportunity of realizing
smart cognitive cameras. This talk will provide design
experiences and challenges in designing such cognitive
systems using reconfigurable fabrics and emerging devices.
Vijaykrishnan Narayanan is a Professor of
Computer Science and Engineering and Electrical
Engineering at The Pennsylvania State University. His
research and teaching interests include embedded systems,
computer architecture, system design using emerging device
technologies and power-aware computing. He has deep
interests in cross-disciplinary advances and has led and
participated in such projects. He is the Editor-in-Chief
of IEEE TCAD and served as the Editor-in-Chief for ACM
Journal of Emerging Technologies in Computing Systems. He
has won several awards including the 2012 ASPDAC Ten-year
retrospective Most influential paper, 2012 Penn State
Alumni Society Premier Research Award and 2010 Outstanding
Alumnus Award from SVCE, India. He is a fellow of IEEE.
Special Session on Hardware Security
Strong Physical Unclonable Functions: A Tale of Attacks and Countermeasures
Farinaz Koushanfar,
Rice University
Over the last decade, a set of new
security and protection mechanisms, tools, protocols, and
devices based on physical unclonability and disorder has
emerged. Harnessing the inherent, indelible, and
unclonable mesoscopic disorders of the physical processes
and phenomena, could lead to several advantages which
include: providing an alternative form of digital storage
which is also inerasable and unforgeable; creating unique
signatures; and enabling a novel security foundation. In
this talk, I discuss our ongoing efforts in establishing
the applicability and robustness of an important class of
physical disorder-based security known as strong physical
unclonable function. I emphasize on the establishment of
security assumptions, properties, and protocols as well as
our evolving understanding of sophisticated attacks and
Farinaz Koushanfar is an Associate
Professor with the Department of Electrical and Computer
Engineering, Rice University, where she directs the
Adaptive Computing and Embedded Systems (ACES) Lab. Her
research interests include adaptive and low power
embedded systems design, hardware security, and design
intellectual property protection.
Building Secure Reliable Hardware Roots-of-Trust: Are PUFs Enough?
Ken Mai,
Carnegie Mellon University
Hardware roots-of-trust are often regarded
as the bedrock upon which the rest of the system
securities lies. They perform basic security critical
functions such as cryptographic key storage/generation,
device and software authentication, secure data storage,
and data encryption/hashing. Further, these blocks must be
resistant to various forms of non-invasive and invasive
attacks and tampering. We will examine the necessary
features and characteristics of hardware roots-of-trust
and if current technologies can meet those
needs. Specifically, we will focus on the design and
implementation of physical unclonable functions (PUFs) and
secure logic families. Finally, we will suggest lines of
research to improve PUFs and secure logic for future
secure systems.
Ken Mai received his B.S., M.S., and
Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from Stanford
University. He joined the Electrical and Computer
Engineering faculty of Carnegie Mellon University in
2005. His primary research interests are in VLSI design
and integrated circuit security, specifically physical
unclonable functions (PUFs), efficient cryptographic
accelerator implementations, side-channel attack
countermeasures, and anti-counterfeiting. He was the
recipient of an NSF CAREER award in 2007, the George
Tallman Ladd Research Award in 2008, and the Eta Kappa
Nu Excellence in Teaching award in 2014.
Until May 6 |
From May 7 |
ACM/IEEE members: |
Students |
$200 |
$300 |
Others |
$300 |
$400 |
Non ACM/IEEE members: |
Students |
$250 |
$350 |
Others |
$400 |
$500 |
The cost of registration includes breakfasts, lunches, social event
and coffee break service.
Register for IWLS on the DAC registration page following the
instructions below:
- Go
to https://reg.mpassociates.com/reglive/PromoCode.aspx?confid=170
and click on "Register". This will direct you to the registration
- Complete all the contact information and enter your membership
status. Click "Select Your Participation". This will bring you to the
product choice page.
- Open the "Colocated Conferences" tab, select the IWLS option, and
click on "Checkout" to proceed to checkout.
For any question regarding the registration process, please
email Register@dac.com or call
the DAC offices at +1-303-530-4333.
The conference venue is the Galleria Park Hotel, 191 Sutter Street,
San Francisco, CA 94104. The IWLS conference rate for sleeping rooms
at the Galleria Park Hotel is $179 per night and this rate is
available for attendees from May 29, 2014 until June 6, 2014. The
cut-off date for room reservations is May 1, 2014. Check-in time is 3
pm, check-out time is 12 pm.
Attendees can book their reservations on
and, when making their reservations, they can enter the Group Code
1405ACM~_001 to get the discounted rates. Otherwise, guests can reach
the hotel reservations team at +1-800-792-9639 and reference the
ACM~IWLS2014 block.
Status (30th April): Please note
that the hotel reports plenty of rooms for the period between May 29
and June 1 but a very reduced room availability afterwards. The hotel
suggests to contact them by phone or e-mail if it is not possibile to
book the entire week on the online system.
Abstract submission: |
February 28, 2014 |
Submission deadline for papers: |
March 7, 2014 @ 11.59pm Anywhere on Earth |
Acceptance notification: |
April 4, 2014 |
Final version due |
April 25, 2014 |
It is mandatory to register a paper by submitting an abstract
before the deadline below. The submission deadline is
final. There will be no extension.
Only complete papers with original and previously unpublished
material are permitted. Submissions must be no longer than 8 pages,
double column, 10-point font. Accepted papers are distributed only to
IWLS participants.
EasyChair IWLS 2014 submission page
General Chair |
Dirk Stroobandt |
Ghent University, Belgium |
Program Chair |
Paolo Ienne |
EPFL, Switzerland |
Special Sessions Chair |
Shobha Vasudevan |
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, US |
Ilya Wagner |
Intel, US |
Valeria Bertacco |
University of Michigan, US |
Philip Brisk |
University of California Riverside, US |
Stephen A. Edwards |
Columbia University, US |
Alan Mishchenko |
University of California Berkeley, US |
Technical Program Committee |
J. Anderson |
University of Toronto, Canada |
V. Bertacco |
University of Michigan, US |
P. Brisk |
University of California Riverside, US |
K.-H. Chang |
Avery Design Systems, US |
E. Dubrova |
KTH, Sweden |
S. A. Edwards |
Columbia University, US |
N. Jayakumar |
Juniper Networks, US |
H.-R. Jiang |
National Chiao Tung University, ROC |
J.-H. Jiang |
National Taiwan University, ROC |
T. Kam |
Intel, US |
V. Kravets |
IBM T. J. Watson, US |
S. Krishnaswamy |
Columbia University, US |
A. Mishchenko |
U. of California Berkeley, US |
N. Miskov-Zivanov |
M. Moffitt |
IBM Research, US |
R. Murgai |
Synopsys, US |
D. Novo |
EPFL, Switzerland |
S. Nowick |
Columbia University, US |
H. Parandeh Afshar |
Qualcomm, US |
A. Pellegrini |
University of Michigan, US |
M. Purnaprajna |
Indian Institute of Science, India |
W. Qian |
U. of Michigan-Shanghai Jiao-Tong, PRC |
M. Riedel |
University of Minnesota, US |
K. Rupnow |
NTU and ADSC, Singapore |
T. Shiple |
Synopsys, US |
C. Stangier |
Synopsys, Germany |
D. Stroobandt |
Ghent University, Belgium |
C. Sze |
IBM Research, US |
T. Villa |
Università di Verona, Italy |
I. Wagner |
Intel, US |
C.-Y. Wang |
National Tsing Hua University, ROC |
T. Welp |
University of California Berkeley, US |
The IWLS community maintains a set
of benchmarks,
synthesized and mapped in Verilog and OpenAccess.
IWLS 2013: June 7 - June 8, 2013, Austin, Texas
IWLS 2012: June 1 - June 3, 2012, Berkeley, California
IWLS 2011: June 3 - June 5, 2011, San Diego, California
IWLS 2010: June 18 - June 20, 2010, Irvine, California
IWLS 2009: July 31 - August 2, 2009, Berkeley, California
IWLS 2008: June 4 - 6, 2008, Lake Tahoe, California
IWLS 2007: May 30 - June 1, 2007, San Diego, California
IWLS 2006: June 7 - 9, 2006, Vail, Colorado
IWLS 2005: June 8 - 10, 2005, Lake Arrowhead, California
IWLS 2004: June 2 - 4, 2004, Temecula Creek, California
IWLS 2003: May 28 - 30, 2003, Laguna Beach, California
IWLS 2002: June 4 - 7, 2002, New Orleans, Louisiana
IWLS 2001: June 12 - 15, 2001, Lake Tahoe, California
IWLS 2000: May 31 - June 2, 2000, Dana Point, California
to the IWLS mailing list. (The list is hidden and only its
administrator can post to it.)